Mercato | Mercato – ASSE: A 100M € dream totally destroyed for Caïazzo and Romeyer …

Posted on November 7, 2021 at 2:45 am by AM

Roland Romeyer and Bernard Caïazzo had the wildest dreams for the sale of ASSE, but the sporting situation of the club changes everything.

< p>“At one point or another we will end up getting there, it has to be. I would like this to be done before the end of the calendar year. If we find the right candidate, who meets our criteria, the change will normally only be beneficial for the club. “Last September, Roland Romeyer showed his willingness to sell the ASSE before the end of the year. But given the sporting situation of the Forez club, a quick sale will be synonymous with a discount sale.

The sale of ASSE between 15 and 20M €?

Indeed, as L'Equipe and Le Progrès reveal, the sporting situation of ASSE does not facilitate the task of Roland Romeyer and Bernard Caïazzo to sell the club. Last of Ligue 1 , the Forez club is far from being assured of maintaining itself, which has enough to cool the candidates for redemption. This is the reason why, after claiming 100M € as an entry ticket for the Data Room, the leaders of ASSE would not expect to sell their share for more than 20M €. …

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