Mercato | Mercato – ASSE: A final detail to settle for the next recruit of Dupraz?

Posted on January 7, 2022 at 5:10 pm by DM

On loan from Mainz to Crystal Palace, Jean-Philippe Mateta should arrive at ASSE in the coming days, even if the Saint-Etienne club still has to settle some details.

This Friday, the ASSE presented Sada Thioub and Paul Bernardoni in front of the press. The two players, who played at Angers , will remain with the Saint-Etienne club until the end of the season and should soon be joined by Jean-Philippe Mateta. Pascal Dupraz has confirmed talks with the former OL forward, now on loan to Crystal Palace by Mainz . “We want to recruit a striker with characteristics that must match what I intend to offer. The more we talk about this player, the less he will come to ASSE. I can just tell you that we have it on the phone a lot. It is still inappropriate to say that he will join us, “said the Greens coach in an interview with France Bleu. Journalist for L'Equipe, Bernard Lions took stock of this issue Mateta.

“It now remains to find an agreement between the three clubs “

” ASSE wants it. The player agrees to come. Now it remains to find an agreement between the three clubs, Mainz, ASSE and Crystal Palace. It's a little complicated because there is a question of the distribution of the salary, to know who takes what “he confided on the set of the Evening Team. However, this file should quickly be closed. As announced by exclusively, Jean-Philippe Mateta will play the match against Milwall this Saturday before joining ASSE.

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