Mercato | Mercato – ASSE: After Bernardoni and Thioub, things will still change in ASSE!

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Posted on January 6, 2022 at 7:00 a.m. by T.M.

This Wednesday evening, ASSE announced two new recruits with Paul Bernardoni and Sada Thioub. But they should not be the last reinforcements for Pascal Dupraz.

In this second part of the season, ASSE want to save themselves and continue in Ligue 1. This is the mission entrusted to Pascal Dupraz . To achieve this, the Saint-Etienne coach can count on his management, which offers him some reinforcements during this month of January. After Joris Gnagnon and Bakary Sako , it is Paul Bernardoni and Sada Thioub who have joined the workforce of the ASSE . As announced by, the goalkeeper and striker were on loan until the end of the season by Angers .

More recruits at ASSE

Reinforcements are piling up at ASSE . But the recruitment of the Greens is still far from over. Indeed, during this month of January, other players could come to supplement the squad of Pascal Dupraz . According to reports from L’Equipe, a central defender, a right-back and a striker are expected by the end of January. Regarding the scorer, the lucky winner should be named Jean-Philippe Mateta. As revealed to you, the current striker loaned to Crystal Palace by Mainz will join Forez in the coming days.

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