Mercato | Mercato – ASSE: After Bernardoni, Thioub signs with the Greens!

Posted on January 5, 2022 at 9:55 pm by Alexis Bernard

As revealed exclusively by, after Paul Bernardoni, it is Sada Thioub's turn to engage with ASSE. A signature which has just taken place.

L'ASSE by Pascal Dupraz spares no efforts to strengthen the membership of the Greens. In a few hours, the Saint-Etienne club has just signed in quick succession Paul Bernardoni and Sada Thioub , two players of 'Angers. The 10 Sport revealed to you the existence of an agreement for the two players on Tuesday, it is now official. The Angevin porter has signed up for a 6-month loan, with no purchase option. Sada Thioub has just done the same, accompanied by his close advisor, Yacine Ayad . In the pipes for several days, the files Bernardoni and Thioub experienced a slight slowdown when Angers asked that his two players not are not aligned during the meeting on January 26 ( Angers ASSE ). A request that was refused by the two players, who want to be able to defend the Saint-Etienne colors during this second part of the season. Two reinforcements of weight which will be followed by a third since Jean-Philippe Mateta must arrive from Crystal Palace this weekend.

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