Mercato | Mercato – ASSE: Bernardoni's truths about his arrival at ASSE!

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Posted on January 5, 2022 at 9:00 p.m. by PL

This Wednesday, ASSE formalized the arrival on loan of Paul Bernardoni from the Angers SCO. And the new Stéphanois goalkeeper gave his first words as a rookie of the Greens.

Red lantern of Ligue 1 after a very delicate first part of the season, the ASSE wants to strengthen itself in order to move up the slope and avoid relegation. As a result, the Saint-Etienne club is quite active on the transfer market. After registering the arrivals of Bakary Sako and Joris Gnagnon , the Greens have formalized the transfer of Paul Bernardoni as had told you. The 24-year-old goalkeeper is loaned by SCO d'Angers until the end of the season, in particular to compensate for the injury of Etienne Green .

< h2> “ASSE is a huge club, which represents a lot”

In a press release posted on the ASSE website, Paul Bernardoni delivered his first words as a new player from Saint-Etienne. Pascal Dupraz's now goalkeeper confided: “I am very happy to join ASSE and ready to take on this mission. As soon as the opportunity presented itself, I did not hesitate. The words of the coach were important to me too. I am ready to face the challenges that lie ahead. We are lucky not to play this weekend. We will have time to acclimatize to get off to a good start. ASSE is a huge club, which represents a lot. For the football fan that I am, it's beautiful. “

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