Posted on December 7, 2021 at 12:30 am by DM
Pierre Ménès commented on the layoff of Claude Puel. For him, Roland Romeyer and Bernard Caïazzo lacked elegance
ASSE sank this Sunday at Geoffroy-Guichard. Badly beaten by Rennes (0-5), the Saint-Etienne club did not exist and, on Monday, point to last place in the standings. In an attempt to revive the machine, the leaders decided to lay off Claude Puel , in the hot seat for several months. “This Sunday, the Executive Chairman of AS Saint-Étienne took the decision to withdraw from Mr. Claude Puel, until further notice, the management of the professional team” published the club on its Twitter account. To replace him, the ASSE wants to bet on Pascal Dupraz according to the exclusive information of After the meeting, Pierre Mènes returned to the departure of Claude Puel and took the opportunity to address a tackle to Roland Romeyer and Bernard Caïazzo , the two leaders of the training .
“I know very well that these pathetic Saint-Etienne leaders have no money but a little bit of elegance”
“So, that Puel is fired, I have want to say 'why not'. His reign at Geoffroy-Guichard was an absolute tragedy with this desire to play only young people and to exclude executives and high salaries. But I don't quite understand the concept of layoff. Because who says layoff says dismissal for fault. And what is a coach's fault? That his team lose? So I know very well that these pathetic managers from Saint-Etienne have no money, but a little elegance would not be refused in such a dramatic situation and in the prospect of a sale of the club to others, always so hypothetical. investors ”can be read on the Pierrot le Foot website.