Posted on November 9, 2021 at 11:10 am by BC updated on November 9, 2021 at 11:13 am
Candidate for the takeover of ASSE, Norodom Ravichak has firmly responded to the complaint filed against him by the Saint-Etienne club for “acts of forgery, use of forgery and attempted fraud. 'fraud. “
The sale of the ASSE saw a new twist on Monday. While this November 8 was synonymous with the deadline by the audit firm mentioned by the Greens for the transmission of takeover offers, PMA/SB Patrick Chêne, a communications company hired by KPMG , made know that the ASSE was going to file a complaint Norodom Ravichak . The Prince of Cambodia, who was a candidate to buy the Saint-Etienne team, is accused of having falsified financial guarantee documents. An accusation contested by the principal concerned.
Norodom Ravichak responds firmly to ASSE
Through his communication agency, Norodom Ravichak firmly responded to AS Saint-Etienne by displaying “his astonishment at the accusations made against him” in a press release sent this Tuesday morning: “Norodom Ravichak regrets the situation and the comments relayed in the Press. Nordom Ravichak is all the more surprised that negotiations with ASSE have stalled for several weeks. Norodom Ravichak has not integrated the DataRoom. The document was therefore never used as a financial guarantee for the redemption of the club. Norodom Ravichak denounces a destabilization operation in the buyout process of ASSE, the Prince having always been mobilized in the interest of the club and its supporters. Norodom Ravichak reserves the right to initiate all appropriate legal actions in response to the complaint that has been filed against it. “