Mercato | Mercato – ASSE: This confession on the arrival of Bernardoni!

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Posted on January 8, 2022 at 3:10 pm by AM

Asked about the arrival of Paul Bernardoni at ASSE where he is on loan from Angers, Franck Honorat reveals that he was surprised by this operation.

As revealed exclusively by, Paul Bernardoni has been loaned to ASSE . An operation which may be surprising given the fact that Angers had spent € 7 million to recruit the goalkeeper who was the holder at the start of the season. Absent from the field for many weeks due to pneumonia, Paul Bernardoni however lost his starting position in favor of Danijel Petkovic which convinced Gérald Baticle . The SCO being in the obligation to reduce its payroll finally agreed to let go on loan Paul Bernardoni . But Franck Honorat admits that he was surprised by this operation.

“I was a little surprised”

“I was a little surprised to learn that he had left Angers for Sainté but I knew that he had been unavailable for a month or a month and a half because of a health problem. I think he can do Sainté good, but Etienne is a very good goalkeeper too, who is young and will therefore gain experience. Paul has a little more, he has had several seasons in the top flight. Casually, he has already played between 150 and 200 matches in L1 when he is only 24 years old! I think Paul and Etienne will pull themselves up and progress together. Two very good goalies is always better than one! », He says in an interview with Poteaux-Carrés.

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