Mercato | Mercato – Barcelona: Xavi's focus on Ousmane Dembélé!

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Posted January 5, 2022 at 10:30 pm by TM

Decisive this Wednesday with FC Barcelona, ​​Ousmane Dembélé has still not decided on his extension according to Xavi.

Struggled by Linares in the Copa del Rey, FC Barcelona relied on Ousmane Dembélé to get out of the trap. Entered during the match, the French scored, contributing to the victory of the Blaugrana (1-2). An important goal which does not however erase the contractual situation of the world champion. At the end of the contract, Dembélé is very greedy in negotiations with Barça, making a possible extension complicated. And there is no good news on this file.

“There is nothing new”

This Wednesday, after the Copa del Rey meeting, Xavi had a few words about the performance of Ousmane Dembélé as well as on his possible extension. The FC Barcelona coach was clear then, there is nothing new about this. “Dembélé made the difference. He was very good in 1vs1. There is nothing new about its extension ”, assured Xavi in front of the Iberian media.

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