Mercato | Mercato – OM: McCourt, Bin-Talal… The sale is still confirmed!

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Posted on November 9, 2021 at 2:15 am by GdSS

While he has not stopped announcing for several months the imminent sale of OM to Al-Walid bin-Talal, the journalist Thibaud Vézirian has given a layer on this subject.

Despite the different denials by Frank McCourt in recent months about the sale of the OM , the process seems well under way. Journalist Thibaud Vézirian has indeed been announcing for a long time that Al-Walid bin-Talal , a Saudi businessman, has already reached an agreement with McCourt for the buyout of OM , and he made a resounding new announcement about it on his Youtube channel.

“The formalization is going to happen “

” Will the sale of OM be official before or after that of Inter? I don't know if it will be before or after Inter. I don't have any formalization info. It's very complicated, it's top secret. We will see that in due course. I just know that some people wanted to pass me off as a liar and I smile in advance. Officialization will happen, “says Vézirian.

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