Mercato | Mercato – PSG: A clue dropped by Xavi Simons on his future?

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Posted on January 10, 2022 at 9.45 a.m. by GdSS

At the end of the contract next June, Xavi Simons is one of the sensitive issues of the moment at PSG. But the young Dutch midfielder seems to have appreciated having been thrown into the deep end of Ligue 1 by Mauricio Pochettino on Sunday night…

Announced in balance with Georginio Wijnaldum in the eleven holder of PSG to face the OL Sunday evening (1-1), Xavi Simons (18 years old) finally started on the bench before entering play in the 69th minute in place of Leandro Paredes , and at the same time his great first in Ligue 1. A baptism of fire which is good for the morale of the young nugget, at the end of the contract next June with PSG and which is announced on the departure because of its lack of perspective in recent months in the first team. But this entry against OL may have revived everything for Xavi Simons.

“The club is trying to give time to young people …”

Questioned in the mixed zone after the meeting, Xavi Simons reacted to his great first in the league with PSG on Sunday evening: “It's nice to play this kind of encounter. We must continue to work (…) I believe that the club is trying to give young people time to play. We have a good training center and when we are given our chance, we must take advantage, ”said the nugget of PSG . Bodes well for his contract extension before next summer?

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