Mercato | Mercato – PSG: An obstacle takes shape for the arrival of Ousmane Dembélé!

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Posted on January 10, 2022 at 6.15 a.m. by Th.B.

Although PSG would keep a watchful eye on Ousmane Dembélé's situation at Barcelona, ​​Arsenal would do the same and have already spoken to those around them.

The weeks go by and the vagueness remains as to a possible contract extension of Kylian Mbappé at PSG . What push Leonardo and the sports management of Paris Saint Germain to set up several alternatives in case of departure as a free agent of Mbappé at the end of the season for Real Madrid or elsewhere. The Ousmane Dembélé runway would have been activated. Nevertheless, it would seem that it will be necessary to count on Arsenal to set fire in the race for the signing of the striker of FC Barcelona , also free of any contract next June.

Arsenal talks with Dembélé!

According to information from The Transfer Window Podcast, Arsenal would not have dragged on after the discussions between the < strong> FC Barcelona and the Dembélé clan experienced a big slowdown. The media has said in recent hours that the first exchanges between Arsenal and the entourage of Ousmane Dembélé have already been initiated while Mikel Arteta , coach of the Gunners, would highly appreciate the FC Barcelona winger. The PSG is therefore fixed…

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