Mercato | Mercato – PSG: Leonardo would have a new cartridge for the Kurzawa soap opera!

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Posted on 8 January 2022 at 6.30 a.m. by Th.B.

In the sights of several Italian clubs, Layvin Kurzawa could well finally join the Premier League and Watford, the agents of the left side of PSG having offered his services to the Hornets.

What future for Layvin Kurzawa ? Under contract until June 2024 with PSG, the Parisian left side would absolutely not find favor in the eyes of Mauricio Pochettino , which would push < strong> Leonardo and the sports management of PSG to find him a new base. And like the last offseason, his name continues to be talked about in the transfer market. From 'Inter to Lazio to Napoli , the options would not seem limited as they are for Layvin Kurzawa. Especially since a whole new track would give way to him according to Foot Mercato.

Kurzawa proposed… in Watford?

In recent hours, Foot Mercato has made an update on the evolution of the soap opera Layvin Kurzawa. And according to the media, the Kurzawa clan seems to have taken matters into his own hands about his future. Indeed, the Frenchman’s services have been offered to Watford , a Premier League resident who is in 17th place in the standings and who is fighting for his survival in the top flight of English football. It remains to be seen what will happen to Layvin Kurzawa .

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