Mercato | Mercato – PSG: Lucas Paqueta is already giving Leonardo an answer!

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Posted on January 7, 2022 at 5:00 am by TM

Already preparing for the next summer transfer window, Leonardo would be interested in Lucas Paqueta. And the sports director of PSG has already obtained some answers from his Brazilian compatriot.

At PSG , we see in the long term. So, in this winter transfer window, it is already the summer that is being prepared by Leonardo . Several cases are thus mentioned, such as Paul Pogba . But to strengthen the midfielder, the sporting director of PSG would have ticked a new name: Lucas Paqueta . The interest is not new since Leonardo had already tried to sign the current OL player before he left AC Milan for Les Gones. This time, PSG would therefore intend to convince Paqueta to join the Parc des Princes, but that would not necessarily be won.

Paqueta is well at OL!

Will this time be the right one for Leonardo with Lucas Paqueta ? According to reports from L’Equipe, the OL player is aware of the interest of PSG . However, he would still be a long way from being gone. Under contract until 2025 on the banks of the Rhône, Paqueta would be very happy in Lyon , feeling at ease within the group of Peter Bosz . Moreover, as revealed to you, the Brazilian in particular refused a huge offer from Newcastle. For Leonardo , the mission could therefore be more complicated than expected…

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