Mercato | Mercato – PSG: Zidane, Mbappé … This incredible announcement on the plans of Qatar!

Posted on January 8, 2022 at 6.30 p.m. by Dan Marciano

Free since leaving Real Madrid, Zinédine Zidane is PSG's priority in the event of Mauricio Pochettino's departure. An arrival, which could revive the future of Kylian Mbappé.

The future of Mauricio Pochettino is no longer an internal taboo. As announced by, the Argentinian technician is in the hot seat after the disappointing face displayed by his team at the start of the season. Despite the presence of many stars like Lionel Messi, Neymar or Kylian Mbappé , the coach of PSG does not manage to get the best of his group. Some voices are starting to rise to demand his departure. Considered by many to be a casting error, Pochettino would have a good chance of leaving the capital at the end of the season to join Manchester United . “The fact that he came back to the press conference because he was associated with Manchester United? This is not football, this is comedy. What I do know is that on the Manchester United side the leaders have made this their priority. For his part, Pochettino gave his agreement. It's January, I've seen a lot of turning points in football. We can say something in January and it does not go as planned thereafter. He won't be able to say anything to himself until the end of the season, but for me it's almost done! (…) I'm telling you what I know. Manchester United want it and they want to go… So we're not far from an agreement! “Confided Dominique Sévérac, journalist for Le Parisien. To replace him, officials based in Qatar have a dream: Zinédine Zidane.

Zidane, Pochettino's successor at PSG?

Free since leaving Real Madrid last May, the French technician is currently benefiting from his family, but an arrival in Paris is far from being excluded. As announced by exclusively, Zinédine Zidane is the top priority of PSG. The club of the capital has a major asset in this file since its historical advisor, Alain Migliaccio , openly pushes for the Parisian project. The Zidane track has since been confirmed by numerous sources and in particular by Daniel Riolo . “Clearly Pochettino let it go and the players too … Well, it doesn't have any tail or head! I think Pochettino is over! Clearly it is burnt. I announced the arrival of Messi in early December last year. I'm not far from thinking the same for Zidane this winter. I also have some info on the subject, and it's a very serious discussion, “he said last December. At the microphone of RMC, the columnist gave a layer and announced that Zidane could land “no later than next June. “

“They want to keep Mbappé? They will keep it. Do they want Zidane? They will have it ”

Daniel Riolo colleague at RMC, Vincent Moscato , too, announced the probable arrival of Zinédine Zidane at PSG. But according to the former rugby player, the French technician could well count on Kylian Mbappé , yet close to Real Madrid As revealed on “I told you that Zidane was going to PSG and that Mbappé was going to stay. This is what will happen. The Qataris are not logical and they have sorrel. Football has changed since the arrival of the Qataris. With them, nothing is normal. Neymar and Messi, this is not normal. When they want something, PSG, they have it. They want to keep Mbappé? They will keep it. Do they want Zidane? They are going to have it. It's settled and you can't fight, ”he confided to RMC's microphone. It remains to be seen whether the Qatari officials will succeed in their mission.

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