Mercato | Mercato – PSG: Zidane's arrival is taking shape!

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Posted on 8 January 2022 at 3:30 am by AM

While Mauricio Pochettino's situation remains uncertain in Paris, at the same time, Zinedine Zidane's arrival at PSG is confirmed.

As he had already announced at the end of the year, Daniel Riolo reiterated that Zinedine Zidane could join PSG shortly. “We can always do more. What do you want, that I announce Zidane to you at PSG? Go on. June at the latest. June 2022. And I do not exclude that he directs Mbappé at PSG “, assured the journalist of RMC at the microphone of After Foot. It must be said that at the same time, the departure of Mauricio Pochettino is confirmed as explained by Dominique Séverac on the set of L'Equipe du Soir.

Pochettino on the start, Zidane approaching

“The fact that he came back to a press conference because he was associated with Manchester United? This is not football … This is comedy. What I do know is that on the Manchester United side the leaders have made this their priority. For his part, Pochettino has given his consent… It is January, I have seen a lot of turning points in football. We can say something in January and it doesn't go as planned afterwards… He won't be able to say anything to each other until the end of the season, but for me it's almost done! (…) I'm telling you what I know. Manchester United want it and they want to go… So we're not far from an agreement! », Launches the journalist of the Parisian.

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