Mercato | Mercato – ASSE: Claude Puel responds to Roland Romeyer after his departure!

Posted on January 7, 2022 at 9:10 pm by DM

While he had not spoken since his departure from ASSE last December, Claude Puel wanted to respond to Roland Romeyer this Friday evening.

Chairman of the management board of the ' ASSE, Roland Romeyer came out of silence this Friday. During an interview with Le Progrès, the manager spoke on several topics, including the last summer transfer window for his club. ASSE recorded only one arrival, that of Ignacio Ramirez in the form of a loan. “We had the means to recruit. Some players wanted to stay (Debuchy, Monnet-Paquet), others were available. It was a choice of the general manager. He thought that with the manpower he had available, it was going to do it. What we did not spend last summer, we will spend now. The money was budgeted “said Romeyer to justify the discretion of his training during this transfer window.

” I have no intention of disturbing staff, players in their company “

Questioned by its former leader, Claude Puel wanted to respond to Roland Romeyer this Friday. “When a coach leaves a club, it's tempting to make him take all the responsibility for a situation. Out of respect for what ASSE represents and the end-of-season objective (maintenance), I have no intention of disturbing staff, players in their company. This is why I will not argue about the inaccuracies and contradictions held in Le Progrès by the management of the club concerning me. I remain attached to ASSE, to its future and to all the people I appreciate within it, – employees, staff, players – and to whom I wish the best ”declared the technician by means of a press release. at L'Equipe.

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