Mercato | Mercato – ASSE: Dupraz, Puel … Romeyer gets smashed after his release!

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Posted on January 12, 2022 at 4:15 am by AM

While Roland Romeyer recently pointed the finger at the work of Claude Puel last summer, Denis Balbir does not understand the exit of the co-president of ASSE.

In recent days, in the columns of the Progress, Roland Romeyer revealed that it is Claude Puel who had refused to recruit last summer. “We had the means to recruit. Some players wanted to stay, others were available. It was a choice of the general manager (not to recruit). He thought that with the manpower he had at his disposal, it was going to do it. What we could not spend this summer, we will spend now. The money was budgeted, ”assured the president of the ASSE Management Board. An exit strongly criticized by Denis Balbir .

“An exit that I would qualify as 'embarrassing'”

“A word on the last interview with Roland Romeyer in Progress last Friday. An outing that I would describe as “embarrassing”. I read that he reproached Claude Puel for his refusal to recruit last summer when there was money for that. First news then. It is not at all the echoes that I had. Everyone can say or rewrite their truth … I do not see how a coach who knows that his squad is too short in quality and quantity could refuse to recruit. I think we gave weapons to Pascal Dupraz that we had not given to Claude Puel. This does not take anything away from the mistakes made, but I think that it is not by clearing oneself and pouring out in the newspapers that the problems are solved, “he assures Goal Football Club.

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