Mercato | Mercato – ASSE: This surreal revelation on the Bodmer project!

Posted on November 23, 2021 at 12:30 pm by Arthur Montagne

Long presented as the candidate best placed to buy ASSE, the Swiss fund which relies on Mathieu Bodmer and Jean-Michel Roussier could be forced to review its plans and its organization chart, without these two men.

As announced several days ago, KPMG , an audit firm responsible for examining the applications for the takeover of the ASSE , will present the offers deemed serious to Roland Romeyer and Bernard Caïazzo this Tuesday. The main objective of KPMG was to judge the solvency of investment funds involved in projects likely to buy the Forez club. It will therefore be necessary to decide this Tuesday, and obviously three cases are still in the race. Two of them are well known. He has first of all that of Olivier Markarian , a businessman from the region, the bearer of a so-called local project which has long been favored by Roland Romeyer . In recent hours, however, this is the project led by Mathieu Bodmer and Jean-Michel Roussier who seemed to be in the best position. It is a Swiss entertainment company that relies on American funds. The organization chart is already well put together. And according to information from BUT, a third candidate has emerged recently. According to Peuple-Vert, he is a solid investor headed by a very wealthy man, but who has not yet made an offer. If this project is taken into account, the sale process, which expires before December 31, would be delayed.

Bodmer withdraws, doubts about Roussier

One thing is certain, the series of the sale of the ASSE does not miss twists and could well reserve us some more surprises. And for good reason, the project stamped Bodmer Roussier could lose its two headliners. According to information from Peuple-Vert, if the Swiss fund that carries this project has already established its sports and administrative organization, the presence of Jean-Michel Roussier , who should take the presidency of the < strong> ASSE , is ultimately uncertain. And that's not all. In the columns of Progress, Francis Graille , former president of LOSC , PSG or even AJ Auxerre , assures him that “Mathieu Bodmer will not come. A terrible blow to this project. It must be said that the former midfielder, converted to television consultant, had a purely sporting vision of this project. “They asked him to be a shareholder, but he only wanted a sporting director position. The situation becomes more complicated for Jean-Michel Roussier (…) The only investor who had money was the American PEAK6 in 2018. It could have been done, if there had not been two discordant speeches. When you want to buy a club, contacts are made discreetly. And we don't shout from the rooftops: “This is for sale, this is for sale”. Anyone wishing to position themselves on such a file should find out beforehand. The Ravichak affair is implausible, ”explains Francis Graille . Therefore, despite the imminent outcome of the ASSE sale soap opera, many surprises can still happen …

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