Mercato | Mercato – OM: A disaster recorded internally at OM?

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Posted on November 28, 2021 at 4:00 am by TM

At the end of the contract, Boubacar Kamara has still not extended with OM. Enough to leave the door open for a free start at the end of the season. A scenario that we fear more and more on the Canebière.

Announced starting during the last summer transfer window, Boubacar Kamara finally stayed at OM . But today that turns out to be a problem for the Marseille club. Indeed, the Frenchman has entered his last year of contract, which exposes OM to the risk of seeing his player leave freely. A blow that Pablo Longoria is trying to prevent. And while the OM president is willing to go to great lengths to extend Kamara, that is not working at the moment.

A departure at 0 €?

Despite various proposals from OM, Boubacar Kamara still does not want to extend. If that stayed that way, the 22-year-old would then go free at the end of the season, a fact that is starting to catch on internally. Indeed, according to information from L'Equipe given this Saturday, several members of the OM locker room would start to get used to the idea of ​​a free start from Kamara .

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