Mercato | Mercato – OM: This disturbing testimony on summer recruitment …

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Posted on November 20, 2021 at 2:15 am by GdSS

Recruited definitively by OM this summer after a first stint on loan, Pol Lirola goes behind the scenes of his transfer which took a long time to materialize during the summer transfer window because of his former club.

Undisputed holder last season under the orders of Jorge Sampaoli at OM while he was only on loan from Fiorentina , < strong> Pol Lirola (24 years old) was therefore logically desired by the Argentine coach for the rest of his project. Finally, at the end of a long soap opera, the Italian club and OM managed to find an agreement to the tune of 13M € for the transfer of Lirola , but this last tells in the columns of Provence how this period of uncertainty during the summer transfer window was heavy.

“They did not behave well with OM “

” The truth is, I didn't know if I could come back because the days went by and the transfer didn't happen. But Pablo told me to be quiet and assured me that I would come back. At the end of last season, I thought the transfer was going to be done very quickly, like Leonardo Balerdi. I admit that I had moments of nervousness. It's football, there are sometimes difficult negotiations between the clubs, which I hear, even if I understand that the leaders of Fio have not behaved very well with OM ”, indicates Lirola .

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