Mercato | Mercato – OM: What blocks for the extension of Boubacar Kamara!

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Posted on November 24, 2021 at 5.30 p.m. by TM

At OM, Pablo Longoria is working on extending Boubacar Kamara, who is currently out of contract. But despite the efforts of the President of Marseille, this file is complex since the Marseillais would not be really inclined to sign this new lease. And for different reasons …

Today, Boubacar Kamara is still a OM player. A few months ago, this was hardly possible. Indeed, while the Marseille club needed to sell, the transfer of the young Marseille was expected given its value on the transfer market. Although Pablo Longoria managed to secure a few offers from England, notably from Wolverhampton and Newcastle , this did not not convinced Kamara , which therefore remained on the Canebière. Problem for OM , the player of Jorge Sampaoli has entered his last year of contract, a situation that clearly does not like Pablo Longoria as he had already made known. Therefore, the Olympian president wants to remedy this by prolonging Boubacar Kamara . So in recent weeks, as confirmed by RMC, a third offer has reportedly been made in the middle of 22 years. According to L’Equipe, this proposal would be special since it would offer Boubacar Kamara the possibility of prolonging in the short, medium or long term while seeing his salary adapt according to his choice. But that obviously did not find favor in the eyes of the principal concerned, still not inclined to sign this new contract with the OM .

A complex extension

Despite the efforts of Pablo Longoria , this would therefore not advance for the extension of Boubacar Kamara . But how to explain such difficulties for the president of the OM ? This Wednesday, RMC came to bring certain elements that make it possible to understand this situation. So, if the Marseille club is having such a hard time convincing Kamara , it is mainly for financial reasons. Closely watched by the DNCG, the OM does not have a huge margin of maneuver regarding wages. Therefore, the offer made to the Sampaoli player would only provide for a salary increase from next season.

But that would not be the only obstacle for OM . Indeed, Boubacar Kamara would have visibly lost some confidence in his management following the last summer transfer window. If Pablo Longoria did a wonderful job bringing in about ten recruits, Kamara would not have had the same reading as everyone regarding this recruitment since the < strong> OM notably gave up 25M € to bring in Gerson . The money was therefore there, contrary to what the Marseille leadership had said to Boubacar Kamara .

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