Posted on November 6, 2021 at 11:10 p.m. by Th.B. While he would have liked to extend his contract in 2019, Paul Pogba is said to have seen Manchester United refuse his request, now placing him under fire over his contractual situation. An episode that the PSG track would live badly and which could do Leonardo's business. What if Leonardo ends up having a golden opportunity with Paul Pogba ? In gold, for the simple reason that the French world champion should have free agent status at the end of the season. Indeed, his contract with Manchester United will expire next June and would have a good chance of not being renewed. At least that's what The Daily Telegraph revealed last week. Enough to do the business of PSG who would be ready to offer him a pharaonic salary, namely a weekly income of € 600,000 according to The Independent. However, Pogba would still be keen to extend his contract, but criticism of his situation could work in favor of PSG . In recent hours, The Daily Mail has made it clear that Paul Pogba will wait for Manchester United offers him a second concrete contract offer, after the first lease presented this summer by the Red Devils to the Pogba clan. Nevertheless, United would not have taken action. And at the same time, Paul Pogba would start to be annoyed by the strong criticisms of which he is the victim and in particular from consultants like Paul Scholes who conveyed the following message recently after his exclusion against Liverpool (0-5). “With all the fuss, the fact that he didn't sign his contract, that he almost held the club to ransom, and then he comes in and does something like that.” Having been denied a contract extension by Manchester United executives in 2019, Pogba would not understand the criticism of him when he was the first to want re-stack. This whole situation could tip the scales towards a free start, to the happiness of PSG …
A deleterious atmosphere in Manchester for Pogba, a free start?
Mercato | Mercato – PSG: A huge misstep by Solskjaer ready to make PSG happy for Pogba?