Posted on November 25, 2021 at 3:00 a.m. by G.d.S.S. Very marked at the time of his temporary separation from his wife Wanda Nara, Mauro Icardi even confided to him that he was ready to put an end to his adventure at PSG if they had not been put back together. After being guilty of an extramarital affair that quickly gained media coverage around the world, Mauro Icardi found himself in a situation very delicate which had a direct impact on his situation at PSG . Forced to be absent for several days in order to find his wife, Wanda Nara , to save his marriage, it would even seem that the Argentinian striker threatened to end his career if his marriage failed. hadn't survived. At least that's what Wanda Nara is advancing to Argentinian journalist Susana Giménez. “He followed me to look for me, to talk. He told me that if we go our separate ways, he will retire from football. It was he who told me that it was nothing, that it was an absurdity, the mistake of his life. Here in Paris. Mauro told me how things turned out, he was sorry. I looked him in the eye, we were alone, I believe in his regret. I think that's not what we want. I understand that a footballer has a million chances, but I have complete confidence in Mauro, ”explained the wife of the Argentinian striker from PSG .
“He told me that if we separated, he would retire from football”
Mercato | Mercato – PSG: An Al-Khelaïfi star almost gave up everything!