Posted on November 1, 2021 at 3:30 a.m. by G.d.S.S. Zlatan Ibrahimovic, former emblematic striker of PSG, indicated that Kylian Mbappé had to change things for the rest of his career. A speech that speaks volumes given the context and the keen interest shown by Real Madrid… Under contract until June 2022 with PSG , Kylian Mbappé is announced as being the top priority of Real Madrid for next summer, especially as he will be free. And while waiting to know what his future will be like, Mbappé received some advice from Zlatan Ibrahimovic at the microphone of Téléfoot, and the former scorer of PSG seems to indirectly indicate the way out for him to develop his career. “Mbappé, I love it, but what he is doing is not yet enough. He is too much in a comfort, in his zone. He has to walk on fire and if he walks on fire, he will be even better. Imagine how strong he can get if he hurts himself. He needs to smell like blood. You need to be surrounded by people who push you and who uplift you, but you don't need to be surrounded by those who tell you you're the best. Surround yourself with those who tell you that you are not good enough and that you need to be better. And you will get better. Here is what I think of Kylian Mbappé's situation, ”explains Ibrahimovic .
“He is too comfortable …”
Mercato | Mercato – PSG: Kylian Mbappé invited to leave for Real Madrid?