Mercato | Mercato – PSG: The Catalan press drops a bomb on Haaland and PSG!

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Posted on November 21, 2021 at 8:30 p.m. by Dan Marciano

According to the Catalan press, PSG have decided to withdraw from the Erling Haaland file and to concentrate their efforts on the Dusan Vlahovic track (Fiorentina).

Arrived in Paris in 2017 a few days after a certain Neymar, Kylian Mbappé wanted to turn an important page in his career during the last summer transfer window. During an interview with L’Equipe, the Parisian player recognized his desires from elsewhere, in particular that of joining Real Madrid : “Before the Euro I told the club I didn't want to extend, and after the Euro I said I wanted to leave. I never made my decisions on a whim. I had made my decision and it was well considered. The club decided not to sell. I was OK with it. I continued to play throughout August, I was performing. I had no problem with that, I’m still with a great team and a place where I’ve been happy for four years ”. Finally, the leaders of PSG decided to retain him, despite several offers from Real Madrid . But a departure remains relevant for Kylian Mbappé, who sees his contract expire next June. “The truth of yesterday is not the truth of today, nor of tomorrow. If I had been told that Messi was going to play for PSG, I wouldn't have believed him. So we don't know what can happen. We are far from it (to stay in Paris), since I wanted to leave this summer. I'm not going to be hypocritical and come throw a bottle in the sea, like, “Oh, I don't know,” he admitted in that interview. Parisian officials do not want to be caught off guard and have activated several avenues to replace him. As announced by exclusively last August, the capital club had explored the track Robert Lewandowski (Bayern Munich) , but another Bundesliga player is of particular interest to decision-makers.

PSG would have put aside the Haaland file

According to our exclusive information, the priority of PSG is called Erling Haaland . Under contract until 2024 with Borussia Dortmund , the Norwegian international is seen as one of the big stars of tomorrow alongside Kylian Mbappé . As indicated by As, the Parisian club planned to give it a go in the event of the departure of the 2018 world champion to Real Madrid . But this Sunday, El Nacional announces that the PSG would have withdrawn from this file Haaland . The reason ? Mino Raiola would be greedy, demanding a high transfer price, but also commissions. Cooled by the demands of the agent of Haaland, the club of the capital would have made the decision to put aside this file and to activate other avenues for the succession of Kylian Mbappé. True connoisseur of the Italian market, Leonardo would have ticked off the name of a promising Serie A player.

Vlahovic, PSG plan B?

This Sunday, El Nacional confirms the interest of PSG for Dusan Vlahovic , under contract until 2023 with Fiorentina . Having scored ten league goals this season, the Serbian international has been in the sights of the Paris sporting director for several weeks. Aged 21 , Vlahovic would not be opposed to a departure from Florence, to join a more upscale team. PSG could correspond to its expectations, but other European leaders would have positioned themselves in this file. Coach of Real Madrid, Carlo Ancelotti is said to have asked his president to follow in the footsteps of the young striker. In addition, the Atlético, but also the Juventus would have activated the track leading to Vlahovic. Here again, the PSG will have to be persuasive, but the Serbian international should cost less than 'Haaland, valued at 90M € by Mino Raiola, which totally revives the succession of Kylian Mbappé .

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