Mercato | Mercato – PSG: Zidane, Pochettino… The road is clear for Qatar!

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Posted on November 23, 2021 at 1:30 p.m. by GdSS

While the English press continues the information on an imminent departure of Mauricio Pochettino for Manchester United, Zinedine Zidane is already a big favorite to succeed him in PSG. And Qatar has already activated the big maneuvers with the former Real Madrid coach…

Mauricio Pochettino and PSG , is it already the end? Yet in a recent interview with the Guardian, the Argentina coach publicly demanded time from his management for the years to come: “We hope we have time to develop the way we want to play. It is only with time and commitment. If we have the capacity to create this commitment, all together, I think it will be an extraordinary journey ”. But since the sacking of Ole Gunnar Solskjaer on Sunday, Manchester United seems to have made Pochettino his absolute priority after having suffered a first refusal from Zinedine Zidan e. And the fate of the two men also seems closely linked, whether with the Red Devils or with PSG

“Zidane has been contacted by Qatar”

Indeed, as revealed to you exclusively on November 9, the high authorities of PSG are already looking into the succession of Mauricio Pochettin o, and as such, the profile of Zinedine Zidane serves as a priority as it has been closely followed by Qatar for several years. A trend confirmed Monday evening by the Madrid correspondent of RMC Sport, Frédéric Hermel , Who said in the After Foot: “We all know that Pochettino is not happy in Paris, no problem. The special ties between Zidane and Qatar are also recalled, especially since Zidane supported the country’s bid for the World Cup, and he was paid for it before donating the money to his foundation in Kabylia. We know he has good contacts in Qatar. Zidane didn't tell me, but I know he was contacted by Qatar. He didn't necessarily receive a direct offer, but that he had contacts, it's obvious. The grown-ups of football all contact each other regularly. Zidane coach of Paris Saint-Germain, to me that does not seem impossible to me. Zidane, a PSG player, as a Marseillais it was complicated, but as a coach… People said to Zizou: 'You are a professional, and when you are a coach, you can coach Paris Saint-Germain' ” , assures Hermel . Clearly, with the tendency of a departure which seems to become clearer day by day for Mauricio Pochettino , Zinedine Zidane is already designated as being the big favorite of Qatar to take up the torch from PSG . It remains to be seen whether this scenario will become clearer in the days or weeks to come…

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