The developers of the original Tomb Raider talk about the cheat stripping Lara Croft

Developers Paul Douglas and Gavin Rummery, former Core Design employees and creators of the Tomb Raider franchise, shared their memories of the series. In particular, they talked about Nude Raider – a cheat that was allegedly in games about Lara Croft and allowed to undress the heroine.

According to the developers, the first rumors about the existence of the possibility to see naked Lara Croft appeared immediately after the release of the first game, but were never true.

Gavin Rummery Gavin Rummery:

“It annoyed us a lot. Firstly, it was not true, and secondly, it implied that we are some kind of perverts selling pornography to children. “

Rummery added that the scene in the ending of the second part, where Lara Croft stands in a bathrobe in the shower and shoots the camera before undressing, was added precisely as a refutation of the fan theory. At the same time, the developers noted that at some point the management of the publishing company insisted on adding a nude model of the heroine. Core Design has managed to defend its vision and not add Nude Raider to the game.

Square Enix previously shared a video from the canceled reboot of the franchise. The version, which was being developed in the early 2010s, could become a horror movie.

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