The enthusiast showed the project of the revival of the canceled Fallout 3 of the early 2000s

The first screenshots of Project Van Buren, a fan-made revival of the original Fallout 3, which was in development in the early 2000s, have surfaced online. The images were shared by enthusiast Adam Lacco, the author of the project.

Lakko took as a basis a leaked build in 2007 and a 700-page design document of the game. At the same time, he develops the game in Unity, drawing on the early developments of developers from Black Isle Studio. Lakko also consults with former developers to keep both the visuals of the game and other aspects envisioned by the original team.

According to the enthusiast, he managed to transfer most of the technical features such as real-time fights with an active pause and a working skill system. Lacco is not ready to name a release date for Project Van Buren, but said the game will be completely free.

The original Fallout 3 was developed in the early 2000s by Black Isle. It was canceled in 2003, but some ideas and developments later became the basis for Fallout: New Vegas. The abandonment of the project was due to financial difficulties, which led to the closure of the studio and the transfer of rights to the Fallout franchise to Bethesda.

I am slowly moving on to adding features that the Black Isle developers did not manage to implement in the techno demo – real-time battles with an active pause. This time, indeed, with a pause. The next step is the addition of a fatigue system. Source: twitter.comSource: twitter.comSource: twitter.comSource: twitter.comSource: twitter.comSource: twitter.comSource: 1/7 Source:

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